The Story Behind Eclectic Wellness
Bec Erickson, Owner, Practitioner, Therapist and Trainer at Eclectic Wellness, created her multi-modality health, support and wellness service to align with, inspire and assist others who at times struggle with health and life, as she herself had done for much of hers.
After surviving many forms of abuse and additional trauma inducing experiences as a child, adolescent and young adult, Bec endured periods of ill health at different stages of life, including debilitating bouts of anxiety, depression, autoimmune issues and hormonal imbalances. In her thirties she began what she now knows will be a life-long journey of self-discovery and mastery, learning all that she could to improve her happiness, health and peace of mind.
​Over the next decade, she studied in various fields, including fitness, mental health, nutritional and herbal medicine, meditation, trauma and yoga. Bec modified her diet and lifestyle, incorporated natural supplements and herbal teas, identified and began processing her unhealed trauma always learning and growing along the way. After realising her own neurodivergence in the fourth decade of life, she was also formally diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD. She continued to work on her emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health, transforming her mindset and creating her own unique wellness script.
Despite the statistics reported around developmental trauma and adverse childhood experiences scores (ACES), Bec has discovered how to optimise her own happiness, health and peace, which in turn has confirmed her purpose, to help others in the ways she needed help earlier in life. Bec now draws on her extensive lived and learned experiences, and her natural ability to find and deal with the root cause of what is hindering others. She loves working her magic triggering authenticity, connection, growth, healing, positivity, resilience and understanding in all the people she now works with.
At almost forty-seven years, Bec is a proud Mum of three young adults, a passionate and qualified Health Scientist, dedicated Natural Practitioner and is continuing with further studies towards her own life goals. Eclectic Wellness is Bec's way of sharing the gold that came from overcoming her own struggles, to help others along their own paths to healing, and living meaningful, peaceful and purposeful lives.
To see how Bec can assist you, click here